Agent AI Joins the Fight Against Piracy
AI agents aren’t just for the big players. If you create content, you need protection.
AI and Anti-Piracy (Content Protection Reimagined)
Protect your digital assets with AI-driven anti-piracy solutions. Learn more at Aiplex Anti-Piracy.
AI-Powered Antipiracy Helping Content Creators
Given that the pirates are using the best digital arsenal available, traditional antipiracy methods do not really “make the cut”.
Five Truths about Streaming Video Piracy
Let’s face it, piracy isn’t cool. It hurts creators and the industry. So, join us as we explore five eye opening truths about streaming video piracy.
Brand Piracy: Why Brands Should be Worried?
Brand piracy is the largest criminal enterprise globally. The sales of counterfeit and pirated goods total $1.7 trillion per year, which is more than drugs and human trafficking.
Indian Govt. Restricts Pirate Sites in India
You know India recorded 6.5 billion visits to piracy websites in 2021 – the 3rd highest in the world after U.S and Russia. Ever wondered the reason for such a rise?
Deal with “Hydra Headed Rogue Websites” Legally
It is heartening to see that Indian courts have risen to the occasion and have come out with such legislations to support the content creation industry.
Impact Of Piracy on the Music Industry
Music piracy creates a hefty loss especially for struggling artists and producers trying to make a career, it affects their livelihood. Know other ways to deal with music piracy.
Piracy Laws for ‘Cam’ Pirates in India
Content piracy in the film industry originates from ‘camcording’ in cinema halls. The Indian film industry loses around Rs 18,000 crore and over 60,000 jobs every year.